Questions on CPUT qualifying info

Faculty of Applied Sciences:

  1. It reads as though one has to do Life Science and Physical Science? unless there is a slash between them in comments? - that usually seems to mean either
  2. How do additional requirements relate then? Can't require all? Is it just for 'best of' calculations?
  3. Assume 'Mainstream' just means maths (ie not Maths lit)
  4. Diploma in Agriculture - must one have both LIFESCI and PHSSCI? or at least one, and then one of the others??? Not clear: Assuming not all, but one of Life Science/ Physical Science/ Geography/ Agricultural Science/ Economics/ Agricultural Technology/ Agricultural Management Practice BUT no need to check this because have to have Life Science and Physical Science ?
  5. Diploma in Biotechnology - reading this as the '/' means one of : Mathematics/ Mathematical Literacy; Physical Science/ Life Science
  6. In Diploma of Food Tech - what is life science (L3) vs just (3)? typo?
  7. subject ratings are not consistent with comments
  8. Applied Science Faculty at CPUT

    Faculty of Bus & Mgt Science


    Tourism in Bus & Mgt Science Faculty at CPUT

    Faculty of Informatics & Design

    Informatics Faculty at CPUT Informatics Faculty Detail at CPUT

    Faculty of Education

    Education Faculty at CPUT

    Faculty of Engineering

    Engineering Faculty at CPUT

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