- How to treat ECP? What are calcs? Is it overseas? Ignored for now.
Faculty of Applied Sciences:
- It reads as though one has to do Life Science and Physical Science? unless there is a slash between them in comments? - that usually seems to mean either
- How do additional requirements relate then? Can't require all? Is it just for 'best of' calculations?
- Assume 'Mainstream' just means maths (ie not Maths lit)
- Diploma in Agriculture - must one have both LIFESCI and PHSSCI? or at least one, and then one of the others??? Not clear: Assuming not all, but one of Life Science/ Physical Science/ Geography/ Agricultural Science/ Economics/ Agricultural Technology/ Agricultural Management Practice
BUT no need to check this because have to have Life Science and Physical Science ?
Diploma in Biotechnology - reading this as the '/' means one of : Mathematics/ Mathematical Literacy; Physical Science/ Life Science
- In Diploma of Food Tech - what is life science (L3) vs just (3)? typo?
- subject ratings are not consistent with comments
Faculty of Bus & Mgt Science
- What is HS? (Hospitality?) CS? (Client Services?), LS??
Faculty of Informatics & Design
- Is the "Do you have these subjects" mandatory? Do you have to have one of them ?
- Is 'Design' a subject in it's own right ?or a summary for all design subjects?
- doing their own thing with percentages not ratings - inconsistent.
Faculty of Education
- what method used for APS?
- must one have English - the methods require it?
Faculty of Engineering
- doing their own thing with percentages not ratings - inconsistent.
- Why put upper %age? can they apply with higher mark?
- The NCV column - assume E is English? OR is it the same as the ES in the NC column, assume that's Engineering?
- In the NC and NCV columns the subjects say '60%' which is a '5' rating, but the minimum admission says a '4' rating.
Please email any info, bug reports or feature requests to anmari. Please include screenshots if you can.